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TOEIC Day 12 - Reading 3 (Ads / Schedule / vocabs) เทคนิคการเตรียมตัวสอบ toeic ภายใน 16 วัน

เทคนิคการเตรียมตัวสอบ toeic ภายใน 16 วัน
TOEIC Day 12 - Reading 3 (Ads / Schedule / vocabs) 

   Another recurring type of text is advertisement. It could be about new restaurant, sales promotion, event advertisement, new product, or business introduction.

   This is the typical length of advertisement. I suggest you read the text once with skimming technique. Then you read the questions and read the related information in detail. Some advertisements use symbols, numbers, and pictures to draw attention. But this one is written in paragraphs and not marked as advertisement. Therefore, one of the questions is Where is the text from? Here are the choices and the solution.

   This question can be answered by only reading the first paragraph. Advertisement is usually written with persuasive languages such as questions. So, in some case, you basically read the text and answer the questions simultaneously.

   These are the links to more questions on Rebus Virtual Office World and a source for more exercises on reading for comprehension.

Check this out :

Potential vocabularies

Discount  Exhibition  Rental  Purchase
Membership Privilege  Limited  Lease
Available  Convenience Donation  Provide

   Another type of text that is common in TOEIC test is schedule. It may be a schedule of train, ferry, bus, movie, theatre, conference, seminar, or university classes

   The potential questions are
  • Who's the target audience?
  • Where the schedule most likely to be seen? 
  • What is the purpose of this notice?
   Other than that will be 1-2 questions about the details. For this type of test, I suggest you should read the questions first because the text usually comes with many details, some you can ignore. So, read the questions first then look for the relating keywords in the text. Go to this website for exercises. 

Possible vocabularies

Conference Audience  Guest  Service
Terminate  Topic Visit Cancel
Rearrange Revise  Occasion  Fee
Discount  Departure Arrival Estimation

This article was originally published on chulatutor